Happy 5th Birthday to our Girl

The last weekend of January it was all about Pearl and her birthday.  On Saturday we gave her an early birthday present, her American Girl Doll.  You can see she loved it.  She didn’t believe that mom would come through for her and told me so daily.

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Sunday we spent the day at the American Girl Doll store.  Pearl got to buy some new things, we went to the salon to get her doll and Pearl’s hair done and then do a birthday lunch.  Pearl has wanted the heart shape braid for about 6 months.  She got it for her and her doll.  She loved it.  We had a special lunch in the café that Pearl thought was so nice that the American Girl Doll people did for her.  She and the dolls got goodie bags.  Grandma took Munchkin’s crown and wore it throughout lunch.  Pearl LOVED IT.

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For Pearls actual birthday on Monday she went to school where we read and the kids all got Paw Patrol or Barbie cupcakes.

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For Pearls birthday dinner she wanted to go to a fancy restaurant that served hot dogs.  Because we couldn’t find a restaurant like that we talked her into having a birthday dinner at home.  I made her a Barbie cake for her birthday.

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Pearls yearly doctor appointment shows she is 40 lbs and 44.5 inches.  She is 90% for height and 50% for weight.

Over the past year Pearl has tried soccer, continues at her gymnastics and art.  She has bloomed as a little girl by dressing herself and being more vocal and independent.  She is very into her hair and doing her hair.  She loves to have her hair braided.  She loves her big brother so much and listens to everything he says.

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